Purdue University, Class of 2023, GPA: 3.97
- Bachelors of Science in Computer Science Honors
- Intended tracks: Machine Intelligence and Software Engineering
- Minor in Economics.
- Salesforce Scholarship - Spring 2021
- Dean's List and Semester Honors - Spring 2021
- Dean's List and Semester Honors - Fall 2020
- Computer Sceince Endowment Scholarship - Spring 2020
- Dean's List and Semester Honors - Spring 2020
- Dean's List and Semester Honors - Fall 2019
Relevant Coursework
- CS 18000: Problem Solving and Objected Oriented Programming in Java
- CS 18200: Foundations of Computer Science
- CS 19300: Tools
- CS 19700: Freshman Honors Seminar
- CS 24000: Programming in C
- MA 16100: Plane Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
- MA 16200: Plane Analytical Geometry and Calculus II
- MA 26100: Multivariable Calculus
- ECON 25100: Microeconomics
- CS 25000: Computer Architecture
- CS 25100: Data Structures and Algorithms
- STAT 35000: Introduction of Statistics
- MA 35100: Elementary Linear Algebra
- ECON 25200: Macroeconomics
- CS 25200: Systems Programming
- CS 30700: Software Engineering I
- COM 21700: Technical Writing and Communication
- CS 29100: Competitive Programming
Current Coursework (Fall 2021)
- CS 38100: Algorithm Analysis
- CS 44800: Introduction to RDBMS
- STAT 41600: Probability and Statistics
- ECON 35200: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Upcoming CS Coursework (Spring 2022)
- CS 35200: Compilers
- CS 40800: Software Testing
- CS 47100: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- ECON 45100: Game Theory