AidFirst Hackathon


Winner of Best use of Google Cloud API in BoilerMake Hackathon 01/2020

  • This app acts as an instant guide to First Aid, helping users identify injuries and telling them the steps to perform first aid. It was also planned to identify the injury based on camera photos using a trained AI from Google's AutoML Cloud Vision kit.
  • We used Flutter to build the app, and Google Cloud Vision to train the AI. We also used Google Firebase to host a function that requests could be sent to.
Learn more GitHub Repo
EcoMake Hackathon


Winner of EcoMake Hackathon - 10/2019

  • "Gamified” picking up trash to make it more appealing and utilized delivery robots to identify litter.
  • Coded front end of game website using HTML/Bootstrap
  • Trained and implemented Microsoft Azure API using C# to identify images of trash on the sidewalks
GitHub Repo
Airplane Management System

Airline Reservation System


  • Java program that goes through the process of booking a flight through a Graphical User Interface in Java
  • Worked with components of Network I/O to create a server to communicate stored information to clients
GitHub Repo

MIDI Parser

MIDI File Editor

CS 240000 Final Project 04/2020

  • Pasrsed data from a .midi file into data structures
  • Created a library from all the .midi files in a folder.